I use an Astron RS35 with my tr7 and have none of the problems you spoke of.  I 
get no dimming at all during key down or otherwise.
The Tr7 does require more current than most all of the Japanese radios.  It 
could be your Astron has a problem you would otherwise not be aware of except 
with the tr7.
Good Luck
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: James Cobb 
  To: drakelist@zerobeat.net 
  Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 12:24 PM
  Subject: [Drakelist] TR-7 Power Supply Question


            I'm trying to decide what I should do for a power supply for my 
TR-7.  I'll try to give the Reader's Digest version, but I have a slight 
complication.  My main power supply is an Astron RS-35M, but my TR-7 (S/N 46xx) 
generates some transmitted audio feedback in the receive audio when used with 
the RS-35M.  I've used 3 other HF radios on the Astron and none of them have 
glitched and a full alignment on the TR-7 didn't cure the problem either.  A 
few weeks ago, I tried running the high-current power lead off the Astron and 
the low-current lead from an MFJ-4125 switcher and the transmitted audio 
feedback totally disappeared.  When using only the Astron, I was also getting 
some dimming of the panel lights which does not happen with the other radios.  
My guess is that my Astron has a slight issue.  The MFJ-4125 doesn't provide 
enough current to run the whole radio which brings me to needing to do 
something about the power supply setup.  (Note:  G4ALG had posted some notes on 
a similar problem that got me to looking at this issue and his notes led me to 
run separate power lines for the high-current and low-current connections that 
fixed his problem and my problem.)

        So, for long-term use, I've been considering either getting a PS-7 or 
getting a dedicated high-current supply.  I noticed yesterday that W4LGH is 
using a Jetstream 45A switcher to run his TR-7 (and whole shack, for that 
matter).  I've heard that the PS-7 is built like a tank, but I'm wondering if 
it would be wiser in the long run to buy something like the 45A switcher that I 
could use for many purposes instead of getting a PS-7 that is dedicated to the 

        So, I'm looking for inputs here.  I seem to be split 50-50.  Sometimes, 
I think I should just get a PS-7 and be done with it.  Other times, I think a 
new high-current unit would be fine and give me other options down the road.  
What say you?

        Thanks and 73,

        Dave / K8JDC 


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