I bought my first Drake 2B in 1961, but like a dummy, sold it in about 1968 and 
regretted it until I was able to purchase a very nice replacement a couple of 
weeks ago. The replacement works well, but I am trying to determine how 
effective the NOISE LIMITER should be. I notice no difference  in normal band 
static noise when I switch the Noise Limiter into the circuit.

I would like your comments based on actual experience with a Drake 2B with a 
NOISE LIMITER. My experience with numerous Vintage Hammarlund, Hallicrafters, 
National and other brand receivers with a noise limiter has been that it is 
next to ineffective on noise and if the limiting is turned up on an adjustable 
noise limiter, it degrades gain and audio to the extent that listening to the 
noise is a better choice.

Is that the same performance that I should expect on the Drake 2B noise 
limiter? Maybe I should look into noise BLANKERS for all my Drakes if that is 
the case. I know they are not common, but I seem to remember someone developing 
a blanker circuit for the Drake 4 Line. Anyone have info about that? 73, John, 


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