Why there are any VF-1s left on the planet is a mystery to me. I owned a couple of them, beginning in 1959, and they were absolutely dreadful. Guaranteed to drift and chirp. You could always tell who was using a VF-1 when you heard the CW signal. The Eico 722 was a good stable VFO and I still run into one of them from time to time. A pair of VF-1s make a nice set of nostalgia bookends, but that's about the extent of their usefulness.

73, K8AC

----- Original Message ----- From: "Gary Winkelman" <thewink...@gmail.com>
To: <drakelist@zerobeat.net>
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 9:25 AM
Subject: [Drakelist] Drake 2-NT to Heathkit VF-1 VFO

I'm looking for a VFO for my "new to me" 2-NT. I've read where several older VFOs will work with some modifications, mainly converting to grid block keying. Has anyone had experience with the old Heathkit VF-1? I believe it has to be modified for grid block keying but I'm not exactly sure how to accomplish that. I also understand that they are known to drift a lot. Could that be somewhat remedied by replacing some of the components with newer ones?

TNX in advance for any advise!

Gary  N2UM

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