I can second the HP 606 suggestion.  That has been my primary generator for
over 20 years.  I will only add reliable, clean output and zero leakage to
Garey's comments.  If you can handle the bulk, it's a great value.

Dennis AE6C

On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Garey Barrell <k4...@mindspring.com> wrote:

> James -
> Depending upon what you intend to do with it, the price can vary from next
> to nothing, to infinity.
> That said, if you are interested in using on Drake gear, the most useful
> generator (aside from the Calibrator built into most receivers) is one of
> the XG generators from Elecraft.  The XG-2 is a 'tri-band" (80 / 40 / 20)
> calibrated source with 1 uV and 50 uV outputs.  These are the two
> most-needed levels, 1 uV for Noise Figure or MDS testing, and 50 uV for
> calibrating S-Meters to S-9.  This is the generator that I use most often,
> if for no other reason than it is about the size of two "thumb" drives and
> runs off a coin cell.
> For general coverage, a Heathkit IG-42 or similar will give you a decent 50
> kHz to 30 MHz generator.  An external attenuator, commercial or homebrew can
> convert it to a calibrated source.  About $40
> My favorite is an HP 606A/B which covers 50 kHz to 65 MHz, is stable, has a
> beautiful attenuator and is well calibrated.  It's BIG, 10" high, 19" wide
> rack panel with cabinet to match.  Typically sells for $100 and up.
> The HP 8640B is a good generator, goes to 512 MHz I think, 1024 with an
> optional doubler.  It's only 5.5" rack panel, but weighs about as much as
> the 606!  It does have a weak point in the internal gearing, (plastic,) that
> is happening often now.  So watch EBay type sales.  There have been talks
> about making a replacement gear, but ....
> Beyond this you are getting into newer stuff, from the cheap stuff from
> China that's not as good as the Heathkit, up to the megabuck units current
> with HP.  There are a couple of HP units that sell in the $200-300 range
> that are smaller and lighter and show up on EBay, etc.
> 73, Garey - K4OAH
> Glen Allen, VA
> Drake 2-B, 4-B, C-Line&  TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs
> <www.k4oah.com>
> James Bridgers wrote:
>> I would like to have a rf signal generator for my use.  Any suggestions as
>> what to look for?
>> Thanks in advance for your help
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