Hello everybody!!!!

I think I made a mistake! Testing the T-4XB I had connected my 2-C to
the RX connector of the T-4XB. A dummy load was connected to the
antenna connector and a mute was connected betenn the 2-C and the
T-4XB. The 2-C function was on EXT mute, but one time I set it on "ON"
so the mute was excluded. That was by mistake and I tuned up the TX to
the dummy load. I heard a strange strong buzzing sound from the
receiver and the S-meter all the way up. Actually that happened even
twice, also speaking at full modulation. Now I see at least 40db less
in the second IF stage at 455Khz. At that moment I didn't really got
the problem as I was all focused on the T-4XB. I also hoped that the
relay was enough to save the RX and I thought that all the power would
have been dissipated into the dummy load.

Where should I check first? Tubes, or could also coils and preselector
be damaged?


Frank IZ2OOS

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