Peter,  from what I can see, from your results the drive
power vs. your power output I would say is about what you
should expect.

Remember running the L4B on 120V the amplifier will not be
as efficient as running on 220V.    Also,  running the
amplifier on a standard 120V, 15A house circuit is not near
what the amp requires.   The specification for the L4B
running on 120V requires a 30A circuit minimum.   So when
you are running the amp on a standard house circuit the
primary voltage is probably dropping down to something much
less than 120V.   That is why I say from the measurements
you indicated using a 120V house circuit, the results are
about what I would expect to get.    

For maximum efficiently of the L4B it should be run from a
220V 30A dedicated circuit.  Also you drive level should be
closer to 100 watts drive.    Under that condition,  I would
expect an output ranging around 1200 watts on 80 meters to
1000 watts on 10 meters.    If you need to drive the tubes
harder to get the output level the tubes may have become
weak over time with use.

Try your L4B on 220V on a dedicated 30A circuit,  I think
you will see a world of difference.

Ron / WB4HFN

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Peter
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2010 5:08 PM
Subject: [Drakelist] L-4B follow-up

Hello Fellow Drake Fans,
To recap: The wattmeter on my Palstar AT1500DT reports that
I'm getting variable output from my L-4B on dedicated 120v
house circuit. On 40 it looks like 800-900 watts out, but on
15 maybe 500. The matched 3-500Zs are about 5 years old, the
power supply was rebuilt from kit (Evan may even remember my
plaintive cries for help) and I keep a muffin fan over the
power supply sucking warm air out. So I promised to do some
testing and report back. Here's what I found.

First, the setup: 
Yaesu FT-1000MP Mark V via RG-8X to Drake L-4B L-4B output
via RG-213/U to Palstar AT1500DT Output via RG-213/U to
Balun Designs 1:1 choke balun (unun) 5 kW model 1115du to
Heath Cantenna via RG-8/U patch cable
10+ minute warmup
2600 volts key up in SSB mode
120v AC on a dedicated 15a. circuit
Grid current @ 200ma.

The results:
Band Freq volts/keydn  ma/keydn   meter
on usual antenna
80   3545.41  40w        2250         520       800w
40   7012.54  72w        2250         520       800w
20  14063.85  68w        2250         520       700w
15  21045.28  70w        2250         550       700w
10  28045.11  80w        2200         620*      600w
The Cantenna is by no means the best dummy load but it
I have no idea whether the Palstar wattmeter is anywhere
near calibrated and it may be frequency-sensitive.
Have no idea how accurate the L-4B meters are, but the
voltage readings seem to be spot-on, e.g., 1700v in CW/Tune
and 2600v in SSB modes.
Notes and Observations:
1. Regardless of the accuracy of the Palstar wattmeter, I
WAS cranking up the RF power knob on the Yaesu, so I am sure
the variation in required input drive is real, though the
actual readings are open to question.  
2. Also, I only allowed the amp to draw 620 mils on 10 for a
few seconds, for test purposes, to keep the drive @ 200 grid
mils common.  When I backed the drive down to 550 ma on the
plate on 10, the grid showed 160 ma. and the wattmeter read
3. The higher the frequency, the more a minor SWR imbalance
showed on the Palstar meter, though never more than 1:1-1. I
suspect that this means the Cantenna is not a perfect 50 ohm
resistive load; but then, we knew that.
4. The output readings on the dummy load differ sufficiently
from what they are with my antennas connected (see above)
that it suggests I could do well by doing some work on the
transmission lines, coax switch, etc.  
Nevertheless, something seems to be sub-optimal with the
L-4B.  It may be time to do some work on the RF deck.  The
question is, what?
Your thoughts and wisdom most welcome,
Peter W2CDO

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