My personal preference is to put one fan over the T4X (T4XB, XC, etc) AND one 
over the R4 (whichever variation).  Both tend to run hot, and the transformer 
on the R4 will get VERY hot without the assist.  I put foam all around the 
bottom, forming a good seal and making it pull all its air out of the cabinet.  
The foam also eliminates vibration noise from the fans.  If you can find them, 
220v fans run on 110v will provide plenty of cooling and be VERY quiet.  If you 
want to power them from the rig, as the articles you referenced, that is fine 
too, but I am starting to use power strips to turn my vintage rigs on and off, 
saving the built in fragile switches, making AC fans just as easy to use.
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