I am working on a Drake UV-3 tri-bander with a non-working 440 Mhz section. 
Making progress, however the VCO uses a push-pull arrangement  that has the SPF 
796 (Drake P/N 3030355) matched pair of JFETs. One JFET had excessive leakage 
on its gate so I need to replace. I can't seem to find any specs on these 
devices sinc ethey were Motorola "house numbers". I am going to try a lot of 25 
pieces of MPF 102 JFETs and see if I can match to get 2 that are close to each 
other and work within the schematic references of Vds of 4.25 volts, Gate 
voltage of -2.0 volts. Current looks to be 5 ma at this operating point.

Can anyone suggest a better plan or has worked up suitable replacements ?  This 
matched pair has also been used on the Drake TR7, Drake P/N 3030355.

Best 73's

Paul - WB2NMI
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