Generally, transformers can and do run hot enough that you can't leave your hand on them for very long. They will be fine like this..but...heat does deteriorate plastics and varnishes like that used inside. Electrolytic caps also have reduced lifetimes depending on heat. So I have elected to add a silenx super quiet fan to my AC4. I drilled a series of holes in a pattern to match the 80mm fan. The fan is mounted on one end of the long side of the aluminum cover. It has holes along the sides to allow air IN so the fan draws air OUT. If you want to see pictures of this, I can take a few. I agonized over doing this to the cover but have no regrets at this point...The PS runs cool enough that it is hard to tell it is on. It still fits inside the MS4 if required, and is dead quiet. These silenx fans are about 7.00 bucks.

I added similar fan to the PS for my TR7 as well. Many commercial power supplies use fans for continuous operation even though the transformers are rated to run at elevated temperatures.



Dick KF4NS wrote:
A while back I recall a discussion about the heat in the AC4/AC4R. Now that my rig is back in the shelf along with the PS in the MS-4, I notice that the back of the AC4R is too hot to touch for more than a couple seconds. I worry about cooking the xfmr too much.

I could put a fan on the rear apron, and if so, is there a preference on the location? Also, would it make any difference which direction the air flow goes?

73, Dick KF4NS
St Petersburg, FL 33714 USA
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