Hello to the group. 
 A:  I have reseated all the boards.
Stored unit for nine months. Hooked up yesterday.
Digital freqs way off,  12xxx while in 20 M position  5xxx while  in 40 M 
Did have some signals (SSB) input on the 20 M position, but mechanical  
dial says way off of anything normal.
Exercising band switch gave momentary (as in seconds) relief from wrong  
Did A: above.
Then went to OS counter and triggered HT, it says ok, or close enough for  
horseshoes.  HT was on 145.330 and it showed 144.729
Popped the bottom plate,  00 on the mechanical dial is 5.050 on the  PT0.
Reassembled boards...now nothing sound wise in any mode. Raster noise like  
no antenna.
Suggestions on which way to start?
Thank you, Carl  WD8NHK
PS This unit has always been a basket, it was working pretty well last  
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