Well I'm guessing that the only thing that has changed antenna wise is it's
advertising. And most of that is now not only crap, it is an out and out
lie. And because the ARRL(for one) does not require truth in the advertising
that they print it sorta looks like there is all this new stuff. Most
notably are vertical antennas that do not require radials or even a

I use a Butternut HF-6V with a MN2000 and have (can) tune the WARC bands
with it.
I know that this does not directly address your system but the theory does.
If your MN2700 is anything like the older MN2000 you should not have a
problem. DO NOT use RG8X. I think that anything short of Times LMR 400 is a
waste of money and time.

The best thing anyone can do is to ignore the advertising and get your
information from other Hams... just like you are doing.

Take Care

On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 6:30 PM, Michael & Sue Trussell <
mtruss8...@comcast.net> wrote:

> The weather and old age have taken its toll on my old AV5 Cushcraft 5 band
> vertical antenna. I am considering a purchase of another all band MBVE-1UP
> 45 foot vertical by DX Engineering. Because I have been out of amateur radio
> for many years the technical knowledge that I thought knew about antennas
> and such has evolved so much by the various equipment manufactures that my
> knowledge base has become outdated somewhat. I need to stick with a vertical
> because of lack real estate and living in a city lot!
> I would like some suggestions from you who have been keeping up on the art
> and technology to offer some suggestions on using an antenna like the above
> mentioned MBVE-1, with my Drake MN2700 antenna tuner. I would like to use
> all of the capacity of this antenna; I also understand that the capacity of
> the MN2700 is limited to the standard amateur radio frequencies.  I would
> like to use the WARC bands that I now have the capacity to use with my TR7
> along with the L4B amp just recently rebuilt. It works even better now with
> a new power supply.
> Should I look for another tuner to use or purchase another MN2700 and
> attempt to modify it?
> Any suggestion or ideas would be greatly appreciated
> Thank you in advance
> Michael J Trussell    KA8ASN
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