On 2011-08-15, at 12:05 AM, Don Cunningham wrote:

> I too would be interested in the L4B's performance/use on AM.  I may use the 
> DX-60 or T4XC as the driver, but same question, hi.
> 73,
> Don, WB5HAK
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Hi Guys,

A good rule of thumb to follow when using any LINEAR amplifier for AM fone is 
simply this: the MAXIMUM carrier output power obtainable out of it is equal to 
the plate dissipation power of your final tubes divided by two...

Example: I use a pair of paralleled 813 tubes in my HB amplifier---each tube 
has a plate dissipation of 125-watts, giving me a TOTAL dissipation of 
250-watts. The most AM carrier output I can expect to get out of my set-up is 2 
x 125 = 250-watts DIVIDED by 2 = 125-watts.

Adjust your drive until such time as the correct power output from the 
amplifier is obtained---then "tweak" the plate tuning control of the amp one 
final time for maximum output (it will be minimal)...

This is the very set-up I used for years here at VE3CUI, using a HB AM 
transmitter as an exciter...the output from the exciter was some 10-12 watts, 
or so, & I got 125-watts out of the 813s---a VERY worthwhile "boost" in my 
station's AM performance...!

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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