Thanks, Carl.  I do have an account with them - I seem to remember pulling a manual a few months ago, but I completely forgot about this site.

That's going to be the biggest bear about getting this receiver working again: finding the parts and identifying the connectors.  Drake used solder posts in this receiver and some of them appear to have jumpers across them.  It's going to be a long process ringing out the wires and documentation will help tremendously.

I'm not in a rush, so if I have to pull two or three docs from them, I can wait.  Thanks for reminding me!

73 & enjoy those Drakes -

Steve, W1ES/4

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Nov 23, 2011 8:19 AM
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] I've got a job ahead of me.

Hello Steve, writes:
Does anyone have more information on which components are mounted on this board?
FWIW   modsDK has  three pieces of information on an SPR4  The owners manual which had a schematic and the service manual.   The latter is shades of a TR7 manual ( I am told) in that you had parts lists and numbers, portional schematics, and pictures with parts labeled. Along with full schematic.
There was also a separate schematic which might not be a bad idea in that you could take it and digitally have it blown up and printed at your local Kinko or print shop. 
Problem on modsdk if you haven't used them is that you can only pull a free item every three days.
They also showed two modifications its a separate list.
73 and have fun,  Carl wd8nhk
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