Today I put a totally dead R-4a on the bench,replaced the fuse and off she 
went. The rig was fairly clean considering its age. The rig lit up and got some 
audio out and all functions seemed to basically work. Cleaned the chassis of 
dust ,damp cloth  and proceeded to pull all the tubes and test,all were good. I 
took a emery board and cleaned all tube pins then wiped the pins with Deoxit 
and dried with a cloth, also cleaned all the wafer switch contacts with 
deoxit,using the tiny needle bottle  being VERY careful to keep the deoxit to 
the very small amount, also cleaned all the pots with the deoxit  spray for 
    Any way let the rig sit for a few hours working all the switch's and pots. 
Reassembled the rig and powered up. The radio lite up and that was about all 
,nothing seemed to work, rechecked the tube install,all correct, put back on 
the bench flipped the rig over  and ALL the tube sockets and wafer switch's 
looked like they were flooded with deoxit. I was careful to use as Little as 
you could of the deoxit,while cleaning everything.  I then proceeded to clean 
EVERYTHING with 100 %alcohol, tube pins,sockets, all wafer switch's and 
pots,made sure everything was dry, using a hair drier. Put the rig back 
together and turned on,the R4A works as well as my B line receiver,even without 
a alignment.
      Has there been a change in Deoxit? I have used this procedure on lots of 
Boat anchors and up till now always worked fine. Can't believe the TINY amount 
I used, crawled all over everywhere I didn't want it to go. Unless someone else 
had used some other substance to clean before me and the the deoxit ,I haven't 
got a clue. Anyone else run across anything like this? The deoxit was brand new 
a week ago. I think I will star with the 100% alcohol,like I used to use.
everybody  have a Merry Christmas
dale wt4t    
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