I thought the AC-3 was not supplied with the MS-4 speaker. The one that came 
with my radio plugs into a RCA jack pigtailed off the power connector. The 
speaker is a wood grain thing which would never be able to hold the AC-3. I 
don't think it is original.
For cooling, I may wire up a fan(s) similar to what has been discussed here 
recently. I happened across several old Apple Computer power switching devices 
that used to sit under monitors. They're great.
Larry, N8QNM

 From: Garey Barrell <>
To: Larry Sack <> 
Cc: "" <> 
Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2012 10:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] AC-3 Covering
Larry -

Perhaps I misunderstood your statement, but the AC-3 bolts right in to the MS-4 
speaker, just like the AC-4.

That said, it IS a much better idea to put some sort of protective cover over 
it, since fingers have a way of finding themselves in contact with HV.

The stuff known as 'cane metal' expanded aluminum from the hardware store that 
can be cut with heavy scissors works great, and as it 'could' be inside the 
MS-4 appearance isn't mandatory.

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Larry Sack wrote:
> As I was poking around my newly rebuilt AC-3 power supply, I had a thought to 
> create something to keep fingers, wayward conductive tools, dropped objects, 
> etc. from entering the unholy high voltage regions of the AC-3. While the 
> bottom is securely fastened and not subject to the above, the above board 
> area concerns me. The AC-4, if mounted in the MS-4 speaker, is nicely 
> protected however nothing exists for my lowly AC-3.
> I was thinking of heading to the nearest home improvement store to obtain a 
> sheet metal decorative screen or even plain sheet metal (heat's an issue). 
> Two quick bends, a few holes for screws and some black (Drake blue?) spray 
> paint would make a nice U-shaped cover. I haven't thought how to close up the 
> ends although the transformer end doesn't bother me as much as the high 
> voltage/bright sparking end.
> Has anyone else tried this? Thoughts? How do you address the safety of the 
> beast?
> Larry, N8QNM
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