As I was poking around my newly rebuilt AC-3 power supply, I had a thought to 
create something to keep fingers, wayward conductive tools, dropped objects, 
etc. from entering the unholy high voltage regions of the AC-3. While the 
bottom is securely fastened and not subject to the above, the above board area 
concerns me. The AC-4, if mounted in the MS-4 speaker, is nicely protected 
however nothing exists for my lowly AC-3.
I was thinking of heading to the nearest home improvement store to obtain a 
sheet metal decorative screen or even plain sheet metal (heat's an issue). Two 
quick bends, a few holes for screws and some black (Drake blue?) spray paint 
would make a nice U-shaped cover. I haven't thought how to close up the ends 
although the transformer end doesn't bother me as much as the high 
voltage/bright sparking end.
Has anyone else tried this? Thoughts? How do you address the safety of the 
Larry, N8QNM
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