Oh, one other problem with DEPT --- it's SLOW --- the overhead is
enormous.  Using kvm-xfstests[1] running "kvm-xfstests smoke", here
are some sample times:

                        LOCKDEP         DEPT
Time to first test      49 seconds      602 seconds
ext4/001                2 s             22 s
ext4/003                2 s             8 s
ext4/005                0 s             7 s
ext4/020                1 s             8 s
ext4/021                11 s            17 s
ext4/023                0 s             83 s
generic/001             4 s             76 s
generic/002             0 s             11 s
generic/003             10 s            19 s

There are some large variations; in some cases, some xfstests take 10x
as much time or more to run.  In fact, when I first started the
kvm-xfstests run with DEPT, I thought something had hung and that
tests would never start.  (In fact, with gce-xfstests the default
watchdog "something has gone terribly wrong with the kexec" had fired,
and I didn't get any test results using gce-xfstests at all.  If DEPT
goes in without any optimizations, I'm going to have to adjust the
watchdogs timers for gce-xfstests.)

The bottom line is that at the moment, between the false positives,
and the significant overhead imposed by DEPT, I would suggest that if
DEPT ever does go in, that it should be possible to disable DEPT and
only use the existing CONFIG_PROVE_LOCKING version of LOCKDEP, just
because DEPT is S - L - O - W.


                                                - Ted

P.S.  Darrick and I both have disabled using LOCKDEP by default
because it slows down ext4 -g auto testing by a factor 2, and xfs -g
auto testing by a factor of 3.  So the fact that DEPT is a factor of
2x to 10x or more slower than LOCKDEP when running various xfstests
tests should be a real concern.

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