On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 04:30:05PM -0400, Vladimir Vukicevic wrote:
> > No I will next time.  I'm also using a Radeon 64DDR on a TBird 900 (VIA
> > KT-133) if that makes any difference.
> Hm. I and a few others have been having problems with the 64DDR,
> although much more extreme than yours.  It seems that the problems are
> AMD Irongate-only, but they maybe extend beyond that?

They extend beyond that.  VIA KT133A-based Abit KT7A (friend has KT7-RAID
which is KT133 based and has the same problem..)  30 seconds or so after
we start any serious 3D app, down goes the entire box.

Works great on Intel systems.  Unfortunately, I've given up on waiting for
these problems to be resolved because they've been outstanding now since
March.  It's far too late for me to get a refund on the card, so I am
saving it until I decide to put together an Intel-based box or some future
bugfix regarding Radeons and AMD/VIA or AMD/AMD systems.

I do want to thank Alan and others who tried to find workarounds though.
I suppose people with these boards should consider chipping in to buy one
for someone who can actually pound the code into a shape that fits.  I am
interested in doing so, though my need for working 3D faster than Voodoo2
outweighed my desire for open source drivers and I ended up getting a GF2
card.  I'm not real happy with it even though it is faster than the Radeon
was (and hasn't crashed once..)  Besides, I suspect once the Radeon has
T&L support it could wind up faster than this card.

Joseph Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                   Free software developer

I sat laughing snidely into my notebook until they showed me a PC running
Linux....  And did this PC choke?  Did it stutter?  Did it, even once,
say that this program has performed an illegal operation and must be shut
down?  No. And this is just on the client.
        -- LAN Times

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