On Sun, Jun 17, 2001 at 12:33:29PM -0500, Jeremy W . Bean wrote:

>       I can definitly understand why development isn't funded for Mach64; but I am 
> amazed that someone hasn't picked this code up yet and attempted to hack 
> something together that works decently well.  I suppose the learning curve 
> and lack of Mach64 documentation are large deterents.

Have you looked at the new driver template code?  I'm not a developer, but this sounds 
like the most logical place to start.  Using the template code and changing the 
registers appropriately to suit the mach64 seems like the best way to avoid duplicate 
code while getting the core of the driver up to where all of the other drivers are.  
And it'd be pretty cool to have your name in the CHANGELOG as the primary developer 
for v0.99.0 :)

>       Hopefully eventually Mach64 will be accelerated.  Let's just hope the chip 
> isn't truly obsolete before then :)

You know as well as anyone else does that video cards are like mayflies; they're only 
around for about three days :)

-=|JP|=-    "Compared to racing, heroine is a strong urge for something salty."
Jon Pennington               |  Debian 2.3                  -o)
d r e n @ w h a c k . o r g  |  Auto Enthusiast             /\\
Kansas City, MO, USA         |  ICQ UIN  6 9 6 7 2 9 3 1   _\_V

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