On Sat, 27 Oct 2001, Manuel Teira wrote:

> El Sáb 27 Oct 2001 21:40, Leif Delgass escribió:
> > On Sat, 27 Oct 2001, Manuel Teira wrote:
> > > El Sáb 27 Oct 2001 19:49, Leif Delgass escribió:
> > > > Well, I just got my box to hang hard (like with the vt switching) when
> > > > running tuxracer and switching modes with Ctrl-Alt-+ (I have 3 modes
> > > > defined in my config and the hang happened when looping back to the
> > > > original mode, i.e. the third switch), so I think the
> > > > answer is yes, it needs locking.  I really should use a journalling
> > > > filesystem, all this fsck-ing is getting a bit tedious. ;)
> > >
> > > OK. I have added the DRILock/Unlock to the AtiModeSet function in the
> > > atimode.c file. I've added another condition (also to the locks in the
> > > aticonsole.c file for vt changing) in this way:
> >
> > It looks like ATIEnter/LeaveVT calls ATIEnter/LeaveGraphics, which in turn
> > calls ATIModeSet.  Won't this lead to trying to obtain a lock when the
> > lock is already secured?  It might be better to put the lock in
> > aticonsole.c in the ATIModeSwitch function.
> You are right, I was deadlocking the server. Anyway, the idea is that 
> ATIModeSet has to Lock and Unlock, but ATIEnterVT(LeaveVT) has only to 
> Unlock(Lock) the DRM. We could Lock/Unlock  in  ATISwitchMode, but I think 
> that we are locking more that needed, because the ATIModeCalculate that is 
> also called from ATISwitchMode doesn't need to be locked.
> I think that the better way to do this is:
> ATIEnterVT: Unlock  at the end of the Function (to avoid interlocks)
> ATILeaveVT: Lock at the end of the Function (to avoid interlocks)
> ATIModeSet: Lock at the beginning and Unlock at the end.
> What do you thing about this?

Well, let's look at the sequence assuming what you suggest.  This is as 
much for me to get it straight in my head as anything else...

Xserver is running.  We switch to text mode:

1. ATILeaveVT is called, which calls ATILeaveGraphics
2.      ATIModeSave
3.      ATIModeSet (DRILock,DRIUnlock)
4.      ATILock, return from ATILeaveGraphics
5. DRILock

I'm not sure it's worth unlocking just to lock again here.

Text mode is running.  We switch to graphics mode:

1. ATIEnterVT is called, which calls ATIEnterGraphics
2.      ATIUnlock
3.      ATIModeCalculate
4.      ATIModeSave
5.      ATIModeSet (DRILock,DRIUnlock), return from ATIEnterGraphics
Oops!, at this point we still hold the DRILock, so again we'll be trying 
to lock twice, right?
6. DRIUnlock
Here we've already unlocked.

Well, we could unlock at the _beginning_ of ATIEnterVT, but here's what I 
would suggest...

Don't do locking/unlocking in ATIModeSet, but do the locking in the three 
functions in aticonsole.c:

1. DRILock, then call ATILeaveGraphics
2.      ATIModeSave
3.      ATIModeSet (ok, we've got the lock already)
4.      ATILock, return from ATILeaveGraphics
5. return

1. call ATIEnterGraphics
2.      ATIUnlock
3.      ATIModeCalculate
4.      ATIModeSave
5.      ATIModeSet (we still hold the DRILock), return
6. DRIUnlock, return
1. ATIModeCalculate
2. DRILock
3. ATIModeSet
4. DRIUnlock, return

Here you can still avoid locking until after the mode calculate.  Also
ATIModeSet is called by ATIClockPreInit, and I don't think DRI locking is
necessary at that point (in fact, I think it happens before the DRI
initialization?). Of course, this is my high-level view (I haven't
followed all the code in the sequence in detail) and I could be missing
something.  I'm also not sure exactly _where_ the lockup happens and so
I'm not sure how fine grained the locking can get.  What do you think?


Leif Delgass 

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