On Sun, 28 Oct 2001, Manuel Teira wrote:

> El Dom 28 Oct 2001 19:17, Leif Delgass escribió:
> <snip>
> > OK.  I did test it out doing it in the way I suggested, but I'm still
> > getting a lockup.  I was thinking of compiling with the debugging macros
> > turned on to get a better idea of where the problem is.  Since the problem
> > doesn't seem to happen with gears, I wonder if there's something in the
> > mesa code that isn't locking properly.
> Have in mind that the Mesa layer is now writing directly to the registers. 
> Are this direct writes locked in all the Mesa lib? For example, and at a 
> first glance, the function:
> mach64UploadHwStateLocked @ mach64_ioctl.c
> is making WRITE access to the card without calling LOCK_HARDWARE. Perhaps 
> this funcion is called from another place were the lock takes place, I don't 
> know. 

In theory, it should only be called after locking, which is why Locked is
in the function name, I think (and from what I can tell from a quick scan
of the code, it is being called after locking).  I tried testing the
changes again and remembered to look at the X log when I rebooted before
starting X again.  I got a series (19) of "DRIUnlock called when not
locked" messages.  I'm going to try to trace all the DRILock/Unlock calls
and see if I can track this down.

> Anyway, when the DMA work takes shape on the Mesa layer, the places 
> where the lock is needed will be less than now (I think), only when the DMA 
> buffers are flushed via a BusMaster operation. 
> So, I think that we must not worry about the interlock while the DMA work is 
> not finished. 
> Frank, how is it going? Any news?
> Well, I've just commited the changes to the CVS. The Sunday is finishing and 
> a new week of hard work is beginning :-( . At least here in Spain the week is 
> shorter (it's only 4 work days). ;-)

Nice.  Of course, I'm currently not working so I have lots of spare time 
to waste on this. ;)

Leif Delgass 

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