On Mon, Dec 17, 2001 at 10:52:04PM +0100, Alexander Stohr wrote:
> ...
> Try this page:
> http://developer.intel.com/design/chipsets/datashts/index.htm

I found what seems to be the only document relevant to my AGP programming
"440BX AGPset: 82443BX Host Bridge/Controller Datasheet"

which is http://developer.intel.com/design/chipsets/datashts/29063301.pdf

of which I eyeball-scanned through its 132 pages 
  (skipping the electrical signals section)
and while I saw mention of the function of the GATT, nowhere did I see
specification of the FORMAT of the GATT. arrg.

> and if it doesnt show you all those stuff - go to AMD because
> they do nicely explain their two level GART system. It helped
> me a lot to get finally familiar with the topic.

but how does learning how to program AMD hardware, help me to program the
Intel 82443 hardware that I actually have in my possesion? :-/

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