On Fri, Dec 21, 2001 at 04:05:33PM -0800, Philip Brown wrote:
> I have a question about "what if physical memory is fragmented"?
> The AGIPIOC_ALLOC call returns a 'physical' address.
> This implies that the ALLOC is a single contiguous chunk of physical
> memory. Right?
> However, I cant imagine that it is easy to guarantee 64 megs of contiguous
> physical RAM allocation. So something seems wrong with my assumption.
> I've looked at the bsd AGP source, and it uses "malloc()", and some fancy
> bsd magic that I dont understand.
> Similarly, I do not understand the linux page allocation stuff at all.
> So, what should be the behaviour of my agp implementation, if contiguous
> physical memory is not available?
> I would think it should not be neccessary: thats why the GATT exists, after
> all?!

IIRC, you're in trouble. AGP memory has to be continuous. Jeff always
recommended you build the AGP code into the kernel to make sure it
happened early enough. In practice loading it dynamically works.

                                              - |Daryll

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