As I was studying the specs and code to be able to understand and reply to 
Leif's previous post (which I haven't completed yet..), I noticed at the 
same time a bug and a feature which could mean that blind client buffering 
could be insecure after all.

The bug is that we should be using MACH64_BM_GUI_TABLE and not 
MACH64_BM_GUI_TABLE_CMD when setting up the GUI master operation. The 
difference between the two is that the later is queued in the FIFO and the 
former not, and we really don't want this as it could get in the way later.

Only commands which are on block 0 of MMIO region can be streamed into a 
GUI master operation, as said in the BM_DATA register spec (8-11). The 
MACH64_BM_GUI_TABLE_CMD is an alias in this block exactly for this 
purpose, i.e., to be streamed trhough the GUI command FIFO, as said in its 
spec (8-12). Doesn't this means that we can initiate further GUI master 
operations from a command buffer since, once the first GUI master 
operation is setup, it's only necessary to set MACH64_BM_GUI_TABLE_CMD and 
MACH64_DST_HEIGHT_WIDTH to fire it up - both accessible from GUI FIFO.

Although firing up a stream of arbitrary commands shouldn't be a reason 
for concern since the commands are only innocent(?) GUI operations, this 
gives the ability of setting up any descriptor table. One consequence is 
that if this table is invalid the whole DMA engine is unnoperational until 
a cold reset. Another is that they can access to any register...

I plan to build a test case for this, but I would like to hear preliminary 
opinions about this, in case I'm missing something. Frank, have you tested 
this before?

José Fonseca


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