José Fonseca wrote:
> On 2002.06.12 17:57 Adam K Kirchhoff wrote:
>> Two quick questions :-)
>> First, can anyone tell me if the issues with tuxkart and the Radeon
>> driver
>> from the TCL branch (well, now the trunk) have been fixed?
>> Secondly, does anyone regularly go through the bug reports on
>> sourceforge?
>> There are a huge number of bug reports, some from over two years ago,
>> that
>> should probably be closed :-)
>> Adam
> I offered myself to do this on my spare time sometime ago, but so far I 
> just handled a handfull of bugs (more recent ones).
> I think that there are two things that we must address to really solve 
> this situation:
>  - First, and more important, the current DRI developers must commit 
> themselves to give answers to the bug reports. This applies not only to 
> the SF bug report pages, but also to those made via the dri-users 
> mailing list (where many questions are left unanswered..).
>  - Second, we must agree on policy to clear old reports so that we can 
> make a fresh start from now.
> Without these two items fullfiled any thing that we may do now regarding 
> this will be doomed to failure, IMHO.

I'm just in general not a big fan of the bug tracker.  I've got a bunch of 
bugs that I can choose from at any time without having to go through some web 
form that requires me to log in and wait for slow queries.  It doesn't give 
*me* anything.

It is in some ways counter-productive.  People expect putting a report in 
there to have an effect, but it's actually less interactive than email, harder 
to get correct details (like half the reports are from Nobody, for instance), 
harder to find out the real problem.

I actually think it should be disabled, destroyed, dismembered.



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