On Tue, 2002-07-02 at 00:51, Keith Whitwell wrote:
> > - one user I was talking with said he had glxgears above 2000fps (was it
> > 2600?) on a 1700xp and radeon 7500 with 4.2.0/drm-kmod and it dropped to
> > 1900 with bsd-3-0-0-branch.
> I wouldn't necessarily blame bsd-3-0-0 for that -- there have been major 
> changes to the radeon driver since 4.2 -- if he could retest against the trunk 
> that would be more interesting.
> In any case I'm not too concerned about gears performance, it rarely reflects 
> anything interesting.
It has for us, at least. It pointed out the deficiency that led to the
addition of mtrr in bsd, for example.  If there was any other tool that
all the users of XFree86 had, we would gladly use that instead, but as
it is it's a quick measure that can show differences between people's
dri status.  I understand worrying abotu glxgears can be bad, but if
other users are seeing drops in rate and I (with almost exactly the same
hardware) am seeing increases, that's significant to me.

> > I'm mostly concerned with that last point, but I still don't think it
> > should stop a merge.  As a side note, I would prefer to see someone else
> > commit the actual merge if possible, because I don't feel proficient
> > enough with CVS yet.
> It isn't too hard -- the CVS policies document on dri.sf.net gives a very good 
> step-by-step guide to this.  Just test where it says to test...  Read it & see 
> if you're still unsure.

Okay, I started trying that even before your mail came.  Basically I
have a clean copy of bsd-3-0-0-branch, and I did a cvs update -d -j HEAD
in it (I wasn't planning on committing, just finding what crashes had
been fixed).  It merged a bunch of stuff, but also created conflicts in
many files that had no bsd-3-0-0-branch specific changes to them.   Is
there a better way to go about this?

Is there any way to diff to HEAD easily?  When I do, for example,
cvs diff -u -rHEAD lib/GL/mesa/src/drv/radeon/radeon_maos_verts.c
in bsd-3-0-0-branch it returns nothing, though there is a diff to HEAD
there (when looking at cvs log and then supplying -r1.4).  Same thing
happens if I add a -rbsd-3-0-0branch before the other -r arg.  I would
like to be able to easily cvs diff directories between branches.  I
thought from reading the manpage I could do this, but it's not working.


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