So I did some quick testing on the Radeon 7500...  I won't be able to do
any thorough testing till tomorrow, probably, but this is what I've found
so far...

For the most part, everything seems to run smoothly.  I ran a number of gl
apps without any issues.  I was unable to replicate the lockup from
dragging one glxgears window around on top of another, though I did this
for at least a minute.

I was able to replicate the same problem I had with the 7200: starting up
circuit and engine caused the X server to lockup.  With the 7200 it
happened immediately, but with the 7500 it didn't happen till I clicked on
the frame of one of the windows, thinking I'd drag it around.

I'll try to do some more robust testing with that card tonight or


On Tue, 2 Jul 2002, Adam K Kirchhoff wrote:

> On Tue, 2 Jul 2002, Adam K Kirchhoff wrote:
> >
> > Alright...  Here's the first results :-)
> >
> > With a Radeon Mobility M6 and the bsd-3-0-0 branch, I get X locking up
> > when I run any GL application.  If I launch glxgears (or any other gl app
> > that I've tried so far) from an xterm, I get:
> >
> > disabling TCL support
> > radeonUpdatePageFlipping allow 0 current 0
> >
> > I get the outline of the window for the application, but that's it.
> > Everything window below the application is still visible.
> >
> > I can sitll move my mouse around, but the keyboard won't respond, and I
> > can't kill the GL app or the X server.  I have to ssh in to the machine
> > and reboot.
> >
> > If I set LIBGL_DEBUB to verbose, I get some extra info, but nothing
> > unusual or particularly telling.
> >
> > Unfortunately, I haven't actually updated the main branch of the DRI on
> > this machine in at least a couple of weeks, so I'm not positive if this
> > problem is specific to the bsd branch.  I'll pull the main branch in a
> > little bit and give it a whirl.
> Well, I've got good news and bad news.  The good news is that the bsd
> branch performs the same on my Mobility M6 as the DRI trunk does.  The bad
> news is that the DRI trunk has the same lock-up problem as the bsd branch.
> Adam
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