It is a fact that Microsoft Longhorn and the Mac GUI
are moving towards 3D hardware for their base GUI. It
is also a fact that it will take a lot of effort and
probably several years to move X in the same
direction. Personally I don't want to see Linux in the
position of having the new 3D effects in Windows and
the Mac and not being able to respond. I'm willing to
put some time and effort into this and maybe other are

I don't buy the "support old hardware" argument for
stopping the forward progress of DRI. With that
argument we'd still all be running in X86 real mode
and the Athlon-64 would be pointless. Backwards
compatibility is important and fallbacks should be
provided, but it's not a reason for stopping the use
of new hardware features.

So what is the best design for achieving this? The
project has to have DRI at it's core since it's the
only choice for 3D acceleration on Linux. We also have
to preserve X Windows compatibility for all of the
existing apps.

My first thought would be to get DRI running
standalone (like the fbdri project but sync'd to CVS)
then modify X to load on top of the standalone DRI.
After that works rework the 2D X driver to use the DRI
API instead of using the hardware directly.

The reasoning behind a standalone DRI is to make it
easier to build a 3D windowing system.  To create a 3D
windowing system a mechanism is needed to get existing
X windows into textures so that they can be
transformed.  If it proves too hard to alter X,
standalone DRI would allow X to be replaced with
something like NanoX. 

Another solution would be to leave everything as is.
Then 3D enable the root window and start hacking on
the existing X windowing system.

Jon Smirl

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