On Saturday 19 February 2005 01:05, Adam K Kirchhoff wrote:
> Nicolai Haehnle wrote:
> >Please, everybody, get the latest CVS (anonymous will take some time to 
> >catch up...) and test vertex buffer mode with it (go to r300_run_render() 
> >in r300_render.c and change the #if so that r300_vb_run_render() is 
> >called). I want to be really sure that this fixes it for other people as 
> >well (after all, there may be other causes for lockups that haven't 
> >on my machine yet), and that there are no regressions for those who 
> >had working VB mode.
> >  
> >
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but to get the driver to automatically use vb 
> mode, all you have to do is to change:
> #if 1
>                 return r300_run_immediate_render(ctx, stage);
> #else
>                 return r300_run_vb_render(ctx, stage);
> #endif
> to
> #if 1
>                 return r300_run_vb_render(ctx, stage);
> #else
>                 return r300_run_vb_render(ctx, stage);
> #endif
> Correct?

That's correct, although it would be easier to just change the 1 into a 0 ;)

> If that's the case, I'm experiencing lockups with neverputt in both 
> immediate and vb modes, though the symptoms are slightly different.  In 
> both cases, I have to ssh in and reboot.  Simply killing neverputt 
> doesn't bring back the machine.  With immediate mode, the lockup seems 
> to happen quicker.  I can't get past the first hole.  The mouse still 
> responds..  I can move it around though, of course, it does no good.  In 
> vb mode, the mouse locks up, too.
> Any ideas?

Interesting, I didn't have lockups that hard for quite some time. Then 
again, I'm only trying to get glxgears to run without lockups...
So this could really be anything.

The first rule of thumb is to run with the environment variable 
RADEON_DEBUG=all set and pipe stderr into a file (beware that this will 
reduce performance a lot), make sure you capture the entire file and 
examine that. The last line should be something like "R200 timed out... 
exiting" in "normal" lockups.


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