On 6/21/05, Dave Airlie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think we should have a root master process to be honest, it can run from
> init and also have it do any mode setting type business... it can operate
> like the DDXes do today, except it won't do any mode settting or anything
> until prompted by the user app... I just feel in-kernel is going to become
> bloated with what is the DDX _dri.x file now ... just because MS put lots
> of things in kernel doesn't mean we have to...

Getting rid of the root requirement is driven by the desire to lower
the amount of code running with root priv. In the x.org tree there are
17,618,401 lines of source and lots of it is running as root. I can
not say for sure that all of that code is free from security holes. It
is much easier to audit a limited set of driver code that is around
100,000 lines. Whole Linux kernel is 6.7M.

I don't see this process adding huge amounts of code to the drivers,
I'm halfway through and I don't think I've added hardly any code at
all. Mostly I just rearrange what is already there.

Linux already has existing fbdev drivers for mode setting. I am
choosing to use those now since I wasted a year messing around trying
to add mode setting directly to DRM. I now realize that there are
vocal, powerful supporters behind using the fbdev code. I want to get
my server working so I am choosing the path of least resistance and
using fbdev.

Jon Smirl

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