Is the kernel really interested in code that could result in FUD?

Think of the whole SCO case, where Microsoft unquestionable funded the
law suites by buying Unix licenses at outrageous prices to harm Linux.
Microsoft would use the FUD as a weapon against Linux, if such code
got merged.

If questionable code is merged, uncertainty will not pay to the
kernels benefit as a whole.

There would be very good legal reasons for NOT using Linux, if such
code is merged.

Maybe it would be worth contacting nVidia. They might not even give a
damn about the microcode.

When open sourcing have come up, nVidia had this to say[0]:

- For competitive reasons on other platforms, I don't think we would
ever open source any of our cross-platform driver source code (which
is 90%+ of the Linux driver... see my earlier description of code
sharing). The Linux-specific pieces of the driver code base don't
really stand on their own, and generally need to change in sync with
the cross-platform code, so I don't believe it would be practical to
just open source the Linux-specific pieces.

- We have developed substantial IP in our graphics driver
that we do not want to expose.

- Unfortunately the vast majority of our documentation is created
solely for internal distribution. While at some point it may be
possible to release some of this information in pubic form it would be
quite a monumental effort to go through the vast amounts of internal
documents and repurpose them for external consumption.

So if someone could get in touch with Andy Ritger of nVidia and ask
him if this also holds for the microcode.
if: seek legal advice
else: merge


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