Hi Bojan & Mark and Hello All,

Regarding the GSoC project *New UI built over RESTful services*, I have
referred the REST API [1] and the DSpace Manual for functional overview. I
have also gone through the customizations available in JSPUI/XMLUI and the
objectives of WebMVC FreeMarker UI [2].

The current implementation of DSpace REST module supports the following
services :

   1. Respository Browsing
      - Communities
      - Collections
      - Items
      - Bitstreams
      - Groups
      - Users
   2. Repository Manipulation
      - Communities
      - Collections
      - Items
   3. Content Searching
      - Search
      - Harvest
   4. Statistics
   5. Relationships [Experimental]

This gives me a broad idea regarding what services the UI shall be
With reference to the customization support available in JSPUI/XMLUI, the
following requirements are assumed to be realized within this scope :

   1. Core Aspects
   - Artifact Browser
   - E-Person
   - Administrative
   - Statistics
   2. Stylesheets (CSS)
   3. Layout
   4. Themes
   5. Internationalization

According to the proposal, the UI was planned to be developed using Ext JS.
Though Ext JS remains my first choice, I have searched for JavaScript UI
Frameworks and Toolkits on the web and these are the results in order of my
preference :

   1. Ext JS [3]
   2. Dojo Toolkit [4]
   3. JxLib [5]
   4. UIZE [6]
   5. MochaUI [7]

I have less knowledge of licensing issues but all the above libraries have
an open source distribution.

I would heartily welcome suggestions/recommendations for the project from
the community.

[1] https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/REST+API
[3] http://www.sencha.com/products/extjs/
[4] http://dojotoolkit.org/widgets
[5] http://jxlib.org/
[6] http://www.uize.com/
[7] http://mochaui.org/

Thanks and Regards,

*Vibhaj Rajan
Junior Undergraduate
Department of Computer Engineering
Institute of Technology BHU Varanasi
+91 92 3531 2784
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