Hi all,

I thank you for answering my queries.

I understand the licensing issues behind GPLv3 from Sencha Ext JS.
The other libraries provide the following licenses :

   1. Dojo Toolkit : MIT License
   2. JxLib : MIT License
   3. UIZE : BSD License
   4. MochaUI : MIT License

I would like the community to help me in finalizing the suitable library for
use in the project. Though some of these libraries make for a small learning
curve, it would be a great opportunity for me to learn another javascript

Just as the XMLUI is based on Cocoon, webmvc is based on Spring WebMVC and
DSpace REST is based on EntityBus, I would like the ClientUI to be based on
a generic UI framework for consuming RESTful services.

This would be an independent project hosted at
Extensions to the EntityBrowser would be designed in the course of the GSoC
project to provide support for each of the functional requirements
[Repository Browsing and Manipulation / Search / Statistics].

In this way changes to REST API in view of its possible migration to Spring
REST from EntityBus would have little changes to the ClientUI.

I have already started work on EntityBrowser in Ext JS (though not committed
yet) but I would be happy to port it to other javascript frameworks as per
the decision of the community regarding the licensing issue.

And as mentioned by Graham Triggs, the ClientUI will be a part of the DSpace
(though currently as an independent module). Hence I would request Peter
Dietz to create a new repository in DSpace (Git or SVN) for dspace-clientui
module and provide me access since I have not yet obtained access to any

Warm regards,

*Vibhaj Rajan
Junior Undergraduate
Department of Computer Engineering
Institute of Technology BHU Varanasi
+91 92 3531 2784
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