Hello developers,

By a unanimous decision on 'dspace-devel', the DSpace codebase will be 
moving to GitHub in the near future.

By my tally, the results were:

20 developers/committers in favor of migrating (+1 vote)
0 developers/committers unsure about migrating (0 vote)
0 developers/committers against migrating (-1 vote)

I will now be working with the Committer team to begin this migration 
process. The migration will likely happen in a series of stages in the 
coming weeks.

I've started a wiki page to begin tracking the migration process:

(Others are encouraged to add to / enhance this page, as I'm sure there 
are things I've forgotten. Right now, just some initial steps are listed 

The vast majority of this migration process should happen "behind the 
scenes" (most developers won't notice anything until the end). But, once 
we get closer to completion, we will announce the date at which all 
development is now taking place on GitHub. We will also create some 
developer documentation around using the new DSpace GitHub.

If anyone has any questions, or wants to help out in any way (especially 
with creating eventual DSpace GitHub documentation), please let us know!

- Tim (on behalf of the Committers Team)

On 2/29/2012 9:58 AM, Tim Donohue wrote:
> Hi All,
> As I've previously stated, today we are opening the vote for whether
> DSpace should move its codebase from SVN to GitHub. More information on
> what this means is below (see "What does this Migration to GitHub Mean?"
> section)
> You may vote by responding to this email thread with one of the following:
> +1 = I vote to migrate to GitHub
> 0 = I'm neutral (I don't really care one way or the other)
> -1 = I'd rather DSpace codebase stay on SVN
> Based on our Voting for Procedural/Policy Changes, this vote will pass
> if we receive more positive (+1) than negative (-1) votes.
> https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/Developer+Voting+Procedures
> = What Does this Migration to GitHub Mean? =
> Essentially, if we vote to migrate the DSpace Codebase to GitHub, the
> following changes will occur:
> 1. All DSpace projects/modules/codebases that are still in active
> development will be migrated to https://github.com/DSpace/
> 2. The existing SVN codebases will be "archived" and made READ-ONLY (no
> more changes or future releases will occur in SVN). This SVN archive
> will likely also be moved to: https://svn.duraspace.org/ (we can setup a
> redirect such that scm.dspace.org will redirect to the archived location).
> 3. All future development, releases (tags) & branches will occur in the
> DSpace GitHub projects. This means that any active DSpace developers
> will need to begin using this codebase instead of SVN.

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