
That is generally the best option, however it's not your only option.  
One at least one theme we have done we've split out the document  
template so that it checks the page your on and based upon that may do  
something special. Basically the document template consists of a  
series of if statements that say if your url fits this regex pattern  
do this, or this, or otherwise. I wouldn't say this is the greatest  
design pattern but it does work. If your theme really is two distinct  
themes this definitely create separate themes and install them on  
different urls.

Another strategy you can employ is to use the DRI ids. Each element in  
dri has three attributes: n (name), id (identifier), and rend  
(rendering hints). The attribute n is unique among its sibling  
elements where id should be unique globally across the system. This  
gives you a third option, inside the specific element (most likely a  
<div> tag) you could also add an if statement there that said if the  
id = XXX then do something special otherwise default to the normal  


On Jan 4, 2008, at 9:53 AM, Sands Fish wrote:

> Ok Scott,
> So if I'm seeing things clearly, the only way to target a page  
> *(e.g. the front page of the site)* or a group of pages (e.g. all  
> item pages) is to control where the theme applies by specifying the  
> URL pattern in the theme configuration, unless a particular type of  
> metadata only displays on the page you're interested in modifying  
> (e.g. item metadata on the item page).
> Correct?
> -sf
> On Jan 4, 2008, at 10:38 AM, Scott Phillips wrote:
>> Sands,
>> Manakin does not have a template per page, so there is not a  
>> template to be found for a particular page.
>> The set of templates used to transform a page are determined based  
>> upon the DRI page being rendered. If the page contains a <para>  
>> paragraph element then those templates are used to transform the  
>> paragraph. The base XSL library, dri2xhtml, is split into multiple  
>> files: structural.xsl and several metadata handlers the most  
>> important being DIM.xsl.
>> "structural.xsl" contains all the basic page formating templates  
>> like paragraph, table, body, header, footer, bold, etc... Basically  
>> everything but items and their metadata. Then each of the metadata  
>> handlers will take care of transforming items, communities, and  
>> collections into a displayable form. Since you could use a  
>> crosswalk to transform their metadata into several different  
>> formats there are multiple metadata handlers for the different  
>> possible types. At the present time only DIM (most people use  
>> this), QDC, and MODS metadata handlers are present. Each of these  
>> handlers display the metadata in the various formats in HTML. There  
>> is another 'abstract' handler that contains those elements which  
>> are shared between metadata formats such as bitstreams & bundles.
>> Scott--
>> On Jan 4, 2008, at 9:12 AM, Sands Fish wrote:
>>> Does anyone have a trick for determining which templates process a
>>> Manakin page?  For instance, how do I determine what file/template  
>>> to
>>> modify/override if I want, say, the item page to change?
>>> I'm looking for more of a general way of working here, not just that
>>> specific page's templates.
>>> Once I have a good method for doing this, my Manakin development  
>>> will
>>> be a lot easier.  I'm spending too much time hunting.
>>> Thanks!
>>> -sf
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