Hi Stan,

     You can put the dspace.log and checker.log files wherever you want them.  
We have ours in /export/home/dspace/log/....Just make sure they are fully 
qualified and don't use the ${log.dir} symbolic in the log4j files.  I did 
leave the symbolics in our dspace.cfg files as follows:

##### Logging configuration #####

# These settings are currently NOT used by the XMLUI. 

# The XMLUI writes its logs to the '[dspace-xmlui]/WEB-INF/logs/'

# in the actual XMLUI web application.


# Override default log4j configuration

# you may provide your own configuration here, existing

# alternatives are:

log.init.config = ${dspace.dir}/config/log4j.xml


# Where to put the logs (used in configuration only)

log.dir = ${dspace.dir}/log


And it wouldn't hurt to create the log directory where you want it, because I 
do believe it will create the files, but don't think it can create the 


Let me know if you have any further problems!

Good luck,




From: stanisla...@gmail.com [mailto:stanisla...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Stan 
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 8:40 PM
To: Thornton, Susan M. (LARC-B702)[NCI INFORMATION SYSTEMS]; dspace tech
Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] Error 404 and Tomcat configuration


Thanks a lot, Susan!

It starts to make sense now (albeit slowly :).  I edited dspace.cfg, according 
to your point 1.  Before doing points 2 and 3, one clarification.   Do I have 
to change the current:

<param name="File" value="/usr/local/dspace/log/dspace.log" />
<param name="File" value="/export/home/dspace/log/dspace.log" />. 

I'm asking because we don't have the /export directory right now (current path 
in points 2 and 3 is "/usr/local/dspace/log/" where dspace.log and checker.log 
are currently located) . Should I create this directory or will it be created 

P.S. I am attaching the config files just in case.

On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Susan M. (LARC-B702)[NCI INFORMATION SYSTEMS] 
Thornton <susan.m.thorn...@nasa.gov> wrote:

Hi Stan,

     In looking at your Catalina.log file, you are having the same problem I 
was having with the dspace.log and checker.log.  I solved the problem by doing 
the following:

1.                   Set the following parameters in dspace.cfg

a.       log.init.config = ${dspace.dir}/config/log4j.xml

b.       log.dir = ${dspace.dir}/log

2.                   Set the following parameter in /dspace/config/log4j.xml

a.       <param name="File" value="/export/home/dspace/log/dspace.log" />   
(had to fully qualify log location - don't know why???)

3.                   Set the following parameters in 

a.       log4j.appender.A1.File=/export/home/dspace/log/dspace.log   (had to 
fully qualify log location - don't know why???)

b.      log4j.appender.A2.File=/export/home/dspace/log/checker.log   (had to 
fully qualify log location - don't know why???)


Seems like a lot of folks have had this problem.  Maybe this should be included 
in the doc....??




From: Stan Orlov [mailto:stan.or...@msvu.ca] 
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 2:35 PM
To: felipe Melero; dspace tech
Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] Error 404 and Tomcat configuration


Thank you for the directions!

I am attaching the content of the log files and the jspui folder.  Not sure, 
though, how to check in tomcat's log whether tomcat is deploying jspui.


On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 4:00 AM, felipe Melero <fmel...@unav.es> wrote:

could you please attach tomcat's log or dspace's log (dspace.log)? Copy 
application folder or jspui's war and check if tomcat is deploying it in 
tomcat's log.

Stan Orlov escribió: 


I installed Dspace 1.5 and Tomcat 6 on Linux SUSE 10.1 on an internal server 
and got jspui working.  Then, after restarting Tomcat, I had error 404 on 
accessing both http://localhost:8080/jspui and http://localhost:8080/xmlui.  At 
the same time, http://localhost:8080 shows the tomcat screen, but when I login 
into Tomcat Manager, I don't have jspui or xmlui in the list of applications.  
I am almost sure I saw them there before.

Thanks to Mark, I understand that I'll need to check that Tomcat is starting 
with the appropriate server.xml and webapps configuration.  If you could 
suggest what to look for (and where), I would be most obliged.  If it helps, I 
can attach the file(s) in question.

Stanislav Orlov, MEd, MISt
Systems Librarian
Mount Saint Vincent University
Halifax, NS, B3M 2J6
- Tel:  902-457-6212
- Fax: 902-457-6445




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