Hi Susan,

I edited the files as suggested, so now I have the following lines:

in /usr/local/dspace/config/dspace.cfg:
log.init.config = ${dspace.dir}/config/log4j.xml
log.dir = ${dspace.dir}/log

in /usr/local/dspace/config/log4j.xml:
<param name="File" value="/usr/local/dspace/log/dspace.log" />

in /usr/local/dspace/config/log4j.properties:

Restarted Catalina and have the same problem.  Tomcat is running, but Dspace
is not listed as an application and xmlui and jspui give me 404 errors.
Shall I rebuild dspace or are there some more things to try first?

P.S. I'm attaching two log files just in case.  There isn't much in the
dspace.cfg though.

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 1:32 PM, Susan M. (LARC-B702)[NCI INFORMATION
SYSTEMS] Thornton <susan.m.thorn...@nasa.gov> wrote:

>  Hi Stan,
>      You can put the dspace.log and checker.log files wherever you want
> them.  We have ours in /export/home/dspace/log/….Just make sure they are
> fully qualified and don't use the ${log.dir} symbolic in the log4j files.  I
> did leave the symbolics in our dspace.cfg files as follows:
> ##### Logging configuration #####
> # These settings are currently NOT used by the XMLUI.
> # The XMLUI writes its logs to the '[dspace-xmlui]/WEB-INF/logs/'
> # in the actual XMLUI web application.
> # Override default log4j configuration
> # you may provide your own configuration here, existing
> # alternatives are:
> log.init.config = ${dspace.dir}/config/log4j.xml
> # Where to put the logs (used in configuration only)
> log.dir = ${dspace.dir}/log
> And it wouldn't hurt to create the log directory where you want it, because
> I do believe it will create the files, but don't think it can create the
> directory.
> Let me know if you have any further problems!
> Good luck,
> Sue

Attachment: catalina.out
Description: Binary data

2008-11-18 20:35:41,884 INFO  org.dspace.core.ConfigurationManager @ Loading from classloader: file:/usr/local/dspace/config/dspace.cfg
2008-11-18 20:35:41,934 INFO  org.dspace.core.ConfigurationManager @ Using dspace provided log configuration (log.init.config)
2008-11-18 20:35:41,934 INFO  org.dspace.core.ConfigurationManager @ Loading: /usr/local/dspace/config/log4j.properties
2008-11-18 20:36:09,910 INFO  org.dspace.eperson.EPerson @ anonymous::create_eperson:eperson_id=1
2008-11-18 20:36:09,928 INFO  org.dspace.eperson.EPerson @ anonymous::update_eperson:eperson_id=1
2008-11-18 20:36:09,941 INFO  org.dspace.eperson.Group @ anonymous::update_group:group_id=1
2008-11-18 20:36:09,944 INFO  org.dspace.event.EventManager @ 
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