Doh! Again. The URL to our repository is:


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hilton Gibson []
> Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 12:19 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] DSpace Setup
> Hi All
> What are your URL's  or website address's ?
> On 01/10/2010 18:59, Pottinger, Hardy J. wrote:
>       Doh! I just noticed I forgot to include the total number of unique
> titles in our repository: ~7,600.
>       And thanks to Keith Gilbertson for the replies. I've dug through
> catalina.out for the past few days, and the only errors we're seeing is
> typical broken pipe warnings, from users moving on before a thread
> finishes. Hmm... maybe it's safe to scale back the nightly tomcat reboot
> to a weekly reboot?
>       --Hardy
>               -----Original Message-----
>               From: Pottinger, Hardy J. []
>               Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 5:36 PM
>               To:
>               Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] DSpace Setup
>               1. Contact Info: Hardy Pottinger, University of Missouri
> (MOspace)
>               (message sent from my main e-mail address, use that).
>               2.a. DSpace 1.6.2 (XMLUI) with local mods for user interface,
> and
>               Shibboleth special groups handling
>                   1 assetstore at 1TB, 35GB used (big plans! really!)
>                   Number of items:
>               2.b. Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release
>, running
>               on another server (unknown spec)
>                   db.maxconnections = 50 (anything less than 50 is
> unstable)
>                   db.maxwait = 5000
>                   db.maxidle = 0 (idle connections are nailed by the
> firewall on the
>               Oracle server, sysadmins will not change)
>               2.c. All RHEL-provided, Tomcat 5.5.23, running behind Apache
> 2.2.3 via
>               mod_proxy
>               2.d. DSpace and Tomcat are on one server, Oracle db is on a
> shared
>               server.
>                  Server: Dell PowerEdge 2950
>                          Memory size: 8110 MB
>                          CPUs: 4 x Intel Xeon 5160 @ 3.00 GHz
>                  OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.5 (kernel
> 2.6.18-
>               194.3.1.el5PAE)
>               2.e. JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx512M -Xms256M" (this will likely change
> soon, need
>               to bump up PermGen)
>               3. Back when we were running on DSpace 1.5.1, after a period
> of about
>               24-36 hours of uptime, Tomcat became unavailable. Apache
> reported 503:
>               service unavailable. Looking at a dump after killing all Java
> processes,
>               it appeared that all database connections were unavailable.
> Changing the
>               db.maxconnections and db.maxidle settings (see above) was
> helpful, but
>               we are proactively rebooting tomcat and apache every night,
> to "clean
>               out the cobwebs". Have not disabled the nightly reboot since
> the upgrade
>               to 1.6.2, so do not have current data/log files. I'm willing
> to try
>               other config settings. I'm pretty sure I saw an interesting
> looking
>               patch that drops database connections (mainly for streaming
> situations)
>               that I can't seem to find right now, but might help this
> particular
>               stability issue.
>               4. Volunteer to help? Of course! I am a fledgling Java
> developer,
>               reasonably competent application manager, and working with
> XSLT only
>               makes me want to cry a little bit, nowadays. :-) We have a
> development
>               server with a snapshot of our live repository, and are
> willing to do
>               load testing, run a profiler, whatever it takes to help.
> We're certainly
>               not experts in any the various tech running under the hood of
> DSpace,
>               but keeping our repository running smoothly is our main job,
> and we aim
>               to please. You may use my address as the main contact, but we
> have two
>               more developers here who are willing to pitch in.
>               --Hardy
>                       -----Original Message-----
>                       From: George Stanley Kozak []
>                       Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 11:28 AM
>                       To:
>                       Subject: [Dspace-tech] DSpace Setup
>                       Hi...
>                       Based on Tim Donohue's suggestion to share configuration
> and setup
>                       information, here is Cornell University's Dspace
> configuration:
>                       1.      Server: Sun sun4v T5140
>                                 Memory size: 65312 Megabytes (4 CPUs)
>                       2.      Running DSpace 1.6.2 (JSPUI) with local mods for
> User Interface,
>                       Embargo, and Refworks.
>                             db.maxconnections = 50
>                             db.maxwait = 5000
>                             db.maxidle = 5
>                             2 assetstores at 300GB each (using currently 323
> GB)
>                             Number of items: 14,960
>                             Number of Communities/Collections: 789
>                       3.      Java 1.5.0_24
>                       4.      Apache 2.29 running mod_jk to tomcat
>                       5.      Tomcat 5.5.26
>                               JAVA_OPTS="-server -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -Xmn64m
>                                          -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
>                                          -XX:+UseParallelGC -verbose:gc
>                                          -Xloggc:/dspace/dspace/log/gc.log
>                                          -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
>                                          -XX:PermSize=1024m 
> -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m
>                                          -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit"
>                       6.      PostGreSQL 8.3
>                               max_connections = 300
>                               shared_buffers = 32MB
>                               max_fsm_pages = 204800
>                       Though we experienced some performance problems in the
> past, that
>               seemed
>                       to disappear after we went to DSpace 1.5.2.
>                       George Kozak
>                       Digital Library Specialist
>                       Cornell University Library Information Technologies
> (CUL-IT)
>                       501 Olin Library
>                       Cornell University
>                       Ithaca, NY 14853
>                       607-255-8924
>                       --------------------------------------------------------
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> --
> Hilton Gibson
> Systems Administrator
> JS Gericke Library
> Room 1053
> Stellenbosch University
> Private Bag X5036
> Stellenbosch
> 7599
> South Africa
> Tel: +27 21 808 4100 | Cell: +27 84 646 4758
> "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"
>       Leonardo da Vinci

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