This is something you would have to configure in postgreSQL.  I believe the 
default is to use btree, but you should be able to change it to hash.  Of 
course you'd have to rebuild your indices after the change.

Sue Walker-Thornton
Software Developer/Database Administrator
NASA Langley Research Center|LITES Contract
(757) 224-4074

From: Franck Borel []
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 3:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] Index row size exception when starting index-init

Hi Keith,

thanks for your answer.

Franck -

Is your repository dspace.cfg configured to create, from the 
description.abstract field

 - a Lucene search index, configured with the search.index parameters, used for 
the search function in DSpace


- a PostgreSQL index, configured with webui.browse.index, used for the browse 
function in DSpace.

 I was wrong: Not description.abstract.field make 
update-handle-prefix/index-init failed, but the title field. I have imported 
the items via batch file and some titles are extremly long. Is there any reason 
why DSpace uses B-tree instead of Hash for the PostgreSQL index?

If it's configured for both,  do you really have a need to browse (not search) 
by the description.abstract field?  Does the handle update work when you 
disable the browse configuration for description.abstract?

You could run the SQL that updates the handles manually, but I suspect you 
would still have problems later when your index-update process runs.

Yes. The simplest solution I found was to shorten the title via script.

I have updated the metadatavalue of the author field. Now it is not empty 
anymore. The error: "2010-12-10 11:53:40,074 ERROR 
org.dspace.browse.IndexBrowse @ Null metadata value for item 1119, field: " doesn't appear anymore.

The second error is a result of that the B-tree index in PostgreSQL has a 
maximum size of 2713 bytes. I am working on a project that includes the need to 
store a fair amount of raw text in the dc.description.abstract field. It seems 
that I am forced to outsource the abstract into an text file and then upload 
this file into dspace... :(

Has anyone an idea how to resolve this issue?

-- Franck

Have a nice day!

-- Franck



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Franck Borel

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Universitätsbibliothek UB 2

Abteilung EDV

Rempartstrasse 10-16

79098 Freiburg

Telefon: +49 761 203-3946

Telefax: + 49 761 203-3889


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-- Franck
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