
>> Currently i have a running installation of Dpsace and it is thought to be
>> of ver 1.3.2.
>> Few things i like to get advice from u guys are as follows:
>> First:
>> Is there any way to find the correct dspace version from the installation
>> directory files(we do't have any records of previous Dspace installation)

You can examine the HTML output of your existing DSpace site, and look for the 
<meta> tag in the top part of the document.  It will say something like

<meta name="Generator" content="DSpace 1.6.2" />
And from that you will have your version number.

>> Second:
>> Does a simple copying and restoring of asseststore and database wrks for
>> the upgrading process..?

The assetstore directory simply exists on disk and you can just copy it with 
standard unix commands.  I'd suggest backing it up, and then copying it into 
the assetstore directory (maintaining permissions in the process), for the 
upgrade. Likewise, there are Postgres tools for backing up your database.  
Please have a look at the pg_dump command, which will export the SQL and 
database structure out to disk.


Jason Nugent
Programmer/Analyst, UNB Libraries
(506) 447-3177

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