I am using version 1.7.

I hope I can convey the specifics of this complication correctly, please bare 
with me.

I am helping to set up a DSpace repository to initially contain a Thesis 
collection, but then in the future to contain many collections of different 
types with their own metadata needs.  We would really like to use custom 
metadata schemas to separate out the metadata specific to certain collections 
but also use qualified Dublin Core for all metadata.  For, example for theses 
we would like to have a 'dc.thesis.degree', but you can only have the 'dc' 
prefix if you use the default metadata schema!!!

Here are the specifics of the project:

We are planning to use the batch ingest tool to load the retrospective thesis 
content (~20,000 items) into DSpace.

We  have decided upon using a specific standard set of Dublin Core metadata 
elements as defined by the NDLTD for ETDs 

Although these are Dublin Core elements, some are specific only to theses and 
we would therefore prefer to use a custom metadata schema to keep them separate 
from the default schema.

The complication is 2 fold:

1)      That DSpace uses the unique name of the metadata schema as the prefix 
for metadata elements but we would rather have the 'dc' prefix for any Dublin 
Core metadata whether from the default or custom metadata schemas.

2)      While you can mix metadata elements for an item from multiple schemas 
in manual submission, for the batch ingest you can only specify a single schema 
for the batch.

Ideally, I want to have a few custom DC metadata elements for theses in a 
custom metadata schema and mix these with the main DC elements for things like 
author and title, but have all metadata prefixed with 'dc'.

Is there any way you can make DSpace to allow the 'name' of two different 
schemas to be 'dc'????

Thank you for any input you have into this.

Simon Brown
Digital Consulting Services
Supporting the Dudley Knox Library, Naval postgraduate School
831.656.3574 Phone
831.656.3238 Fax

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