DSpace Tech List,

I'm working on a task where I'm attempting to move content (communities,
collections, items) from one dspace instance into another using the DSpace
AIP tool and am having some trouble. I've been successful using it before
for some situations but I'm having a little trouble and was hoping that
someone may have some information that may help with the problem. It seems
that there are two issues that are likely not related. The first is when
trying to use the AIP tool on DSpace version 1.7.0. The other can occur on
both 1.7.0 and 1.7.2. Here's the scenario.

This is the command that I'm running (from the dspace bin directory of the
1.7.0 version instance I want to export from):
./dspace packager -d -a -t AIP -e u...@domain.ext HANDLE/0

This command fails with the following error:
Error, Unknown package type: AIP
  (run with -h flag for details)

After this I used the packager with the -h option and am instructed that
valid package types are: PDF, Adobe PDF, and METS. Attempting to use the
PDF or Adobe PDF types result in the same unknown package type error. Using
the METS type results in the following error:
Exception: Handle is null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Handle is null
at org.dspace.handle.HandleManager.resolveToObject(HandleManager.java:277)
at org.dspace.app.packager.Packager.main(Packager.java:452)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
at org.dspace.app.launcher.ScriptLauncher.main(ScriptLauncher.java:183)

Attempting the original command on a 1.7.2 version of dspace with AIP as
the type:
./dspace packager -d -a -t AIP -e u...@domain.ext HANDLE/0

Results in the same error as above:
Exception: Handle is null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Handle is null

My questions are:
1) Should exporting via the AIP package type work with version 1.7.0? (from
the 1.7.x documentation on the wiki, the answer seems to be yes)
2a) Would I be correct in thinking for the second issue that there is
something wrong with my instances' handles?
2b) Outside of putting in the wrong handle name in the packager command,
what possible problems might I be having with handles?

I didn't originally build or setup the 1.7.0 instances that I'm dealing
with so have limited knowledge on how they were/are setup - but can find
out if needed.

Any tips, hints, suggestions or resources would be greatly appreciated.

 - Patrick

Patrick K. Etienne
Systems Analyst
Georgia Institute of Technology
Library & Information Center
(404) 385-8121
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