On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 3:25 PM, Michael White <michael.wh...@stir.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Sorry, I have no idea why, I just tried and it works just fine. Are you 
>> running mvn package from [dspace-source], not from [dspace-source]/dspace/?
> Thanks - yes, I have been running from [dspace-source]/dspace/ - I've been 
> investigating the usual suspects (permissions, files older than latest build 
> etc), but no joy . . .

I guess that was the problem then. I wan't clear perhaps - you were
supposed to run mvn package in [dspace-source], that does a full
rebuild. The difference between full and quick rebuild is explained


Overlays do work with just quick rebuilds, that's why overlays worked
for you, but not the normal source modifications.


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