On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 5:08 PM, Thornton, Susan M. (LARC-B702)[LITES]
<susan.m.thorn...@nasa.gov> wrote:
>      Here are my questions:
> 1.       Why don’t we deploy the .war file like we used to?  Why the
> change, what’s the difference in doing it this way, and are there any
> benefits?

Hi Sue,

I'm not an expert in this, so I'll leave someone else answer it:


My personal point of view:

With WARs, Tomcat would detect when you deleted/updated the WAR and
undeploy/redeploy it.
With the new recommended approach, where you configure <Context>s in
individual context fragments (.xml files), you can simply delete/touch
the context fragment.

> 2.       We are modifying the structure of our new DSpace sites, to
> include a separate PostgreSQL server and not having the DSpace source code
> on the Production server.  The SAs have asked me to find out:
> a.       If we can deploy DSpace 3.1 with a .war file that can just be
> copied over from the Dev machine once we’re ready to go to Production?

The webapps (whether WARs or exploded) will be the same.

Note the difference in configuration: You only need to change
dspace.hostname and possibly dspace.baseUrl and dspace.url.

Then there are also other directories in [dspace], but after the
upgrade, if you're only redeploying changed code, you most likely
don't need to change anything there. For the upgrade itself, all the
changes to these directories will be covered in the upgrading docs.

> b.      Are there any other ways of doing this so the DSpace source code
> is NOT on the Production server?

Sure, you could actually use the binary distribution and never touch
the actual source code. You still need to do mvn package, though, to
create the webapps. Once you've upgraded and you only want to redeploy
changed webapps from dev to production, you could skip the ant step
and just copy over the webapps manually.

I hope this answers your questions, let me know if it doesn't. In some
parts I felt like I could go into more detail but I didn't want to
flood you with too much information.


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