When I reset the password as you previously suggested, both the digest_algorith 
and salt fields get cleared. Then they are repopulated after attempting to 
login just as you said. This does not however solve the login problem. Am not 
actually getting an error when i attempt to login. The login just doesnt happen 
and i am redirected to the home page. Still pondering on the next possible 
Thanks in advance.

 From: helix84 <>
To: otuoma peter <> 
Cc: "" <> 
Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] How to replace the word dspace with repository

On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 10:33 PM, otuoma peter <> wrote:
> Well, I have both "salt" and "digest_algorithm" columns. However when i
> remove "LIMIT 1" I can see that the password field is abnomally longer for
> the administrator account that am trying to login with. Previously i had
> replaced this password using UPDATE eperson SET password =
> md5('somepassword') WHERE email = 'some-email';
> This was to enable me to recover the password used by the previous system
> admin. It was also before doing the upgrade.
> Am thinking replacing this password again might work though am not sure how
> this will work with the salt combination.

That is normal. The default hash function changed from MD5 to SHA-512
in DSpace 3.

There is a migration mechanism in DSpace 3, so the MD5 hash will still
work (if salt=NULL and digest_algorithm=NULL, which tells DSpace this
is the legacy MD5 password) and on your next login will be replaced
with the SHA-512 hash. Therefore you can still do this to recover your

UPDATE eperson SET password=md5('yourpassword'), salt=NULL,
digest_algorithm=NULL where email='';

even if Postgres doesn't have a built-in function for SHA-512. DSpace
will re-hash it the next time you log in.


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