Dear all,

We are using apache webserver as a front end for our dspace instance. I did
this using mod_jk. Now, our server is (may be) behind a firewall/proxy/load
balancer and it is forwarding its own local ip address instead of the
user's ip address. I tried implementing this (
in the virtualhost of our server's httpd.conf but I still get the local IP
address of the load-balancer/proxy upon checking the access logs. I can't
implement ip-based authentication if I can't get the real ip-address of the
user, right? Please advice what are the necessary steps to do to get the
user's ip address to enable ip-based authentication. Lastly, in
authentication-ip.cfg, what is the correct syntax for specifying ip range?
If for example our ip range is to I tried
using and I get Malformed *IP range* specified for group

Thanks in advance.

Elvi S. Nemiz
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