> I would check config/xmlui.xconf, having this commented out, should be
>> your best way to avoid this slowdown (but GA won't track that statistics).
>> https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/blob/master/dspace/config/xmlui.xconf#L103
>> <!-- Additionally you may choose to expose your Google Analytics
>> statistics in DSpace -->
>> <!-- <aspect name="StatisticsGoogleAnalytics"
>> path="resource://aspects/StatisticsGoogleAnalytics/" /> -->
> That is commented out. Actually, it is even for the server that is
> supposed to be using GA. Should it be uncommented for that server?

Commented out, the feature is disabled. I'm guessing you'll want to track
these stats, so you'll need to have it enabled. With only one server using
this feature, and the other servers not using it, doesn't that mean that
some hits aren't counted? I'm not sure you if have it as part of a load
balanced approach, or if you have it enabled in production, but disabled in
staging/development or some other instance. Hopefully your network is
better, and this won't be a constant issue.

Peter Dietz
p: 740-599-5005 x809

On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 3:44 AM, Sean Carte <sean.ca...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 31 March 2015 at 16:52, Peter Dietz <pe...@longsight.com> wrote:
>> Hi Sean,
>> DSpace blocks until it can store the usage event (i.e. download,
>> collection-page view) before completing the action, i.e. serving a file.
>> So, if you are using SOLR or Elastic Search, the first time after a tomcat
>> restart, it has to wait until that service is ready. In your case, this is
>> likely a new-for-DSpace-5 feature, of Google Analytics Statistics, as
>> opposed to normal Google-Analytics-Tracker-Code that was asynchronous ajax
>> in XMLUI/JSPUI html.
>> I would check config/xmlui.xconf, having this commented out, should be
>> your best way to avoid this slowdown (but GA won't track that statistics).
>> https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/blob/master/dspace/config/xmlui.xconf#L103
>> <!-- Additionally you may choose to expose your Google Analytics
>> statistics in DSpace -->
>> <!-- <aspect name="StatisticsGoogleAnalytics"
>> path="resource://aspects/StatisticsGoogleAnalytics/" /> -->
> That is commented out. Actually, it is even for the server that is
> supposed to be using GA. Should it be uncommented for that server?
> Lastly, ideally, DSpace shouldn't block the action, to store some metrics.
>> Maybe the developers can revisit this, to ensure some background thread
>> performs this.
> I agree. Let's hope they do too.
>> When I completely turn off statistics, DSpace is a much faster work
>> horse, with too many turned on, or if they're misconfigured, then slow
>> downs are more normal. Also, another thing to think about is log analysis.
>> In your case, these Network unreachable / network timeouts could be noticed
>> in the logs, for you to pay attention to. i.e. having a smart log analysis
>> tool detecting trends.
> That definitely is something for me to work on. Thanks, Peter.
> By the way, everything seems to be working today, so I think the problem
> was to do with network issues that are hopefully resolved now.
> Sean
> --
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