This should be stored in the X-DSPAM-User header. Are you seeing this header in quarantine? Here's the code/conditions why which it's written from dspam.c

If it's not showing up, it's possible this needs to be tweaked to write it under other conditions. It should be using CTX->username when you're using dedicated users. You can try adding --mail-from=%d to your calls and see if that resolves it too.

if (CTX->result == DSR_ISSPAM && (ATX->managed_group[0] || (_ds_pref_val(ATX->PTX, "localStore")[0])))
snprintf(data, sizeof(data), "X-DSPAM-User: %s", CTX- >username);
          head = _ds_create_header_field(data);
          if (head != NULL)
#ifdef VERBOSE
LOGDEBUG ("appending header %s: %s", head->heading, head- >data);
              nt_add (block->headers, (void *) head);
            LOG (LOG_CRIT, ERR_MEM_ALLOC);

On Aug 5, 2007, at 7:49 AM, John Peacock wrote:

When releasing messages from quarantine to e.g. a SMTP server, the envelope sender (MAIL FROM: in the transaction) is blank and hence all messages appear to come from <>. Normally, no one would notice this, but I am filtering messages that go to internal distribution lists (mini-listserv's) and the listserv
software refuses to accept mail from bounces (<>).


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