Jonathan A. Zdziarski wrote:
> This should be stored in the X-DSPAM-User header. Are you seeing this
> header in quarantine? Here's the code/conditions why which it's written
> from dspam.c

No, envelope sender is what is sent by the remote server during the SMTP
transaction MAIL FROM: (which may be, but isn't necessarily, the same as the
FROM: header in the e-mail itself).  It is usually stored in the RETURN PATH:
header by most MTA's during final delivery.  If you are writing a transparent
SMTP proxy, it is vital to send precisely the same SMTP transactional details to
the next hop as you yourself received from the previous hop.

dspam.c:1190 just creates a "From" line in the mbox record using the fixed
string QUARANTINE, which is the correct place to store the envelope sender.
What I haven't done is to add code to client.c to extract that information
during reprocessing from quarantine and set the new MTX->mailfrom correctly...


John Peacock
Director of Information Research and Technology
Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group
4501 Forbes Blvd
Suite H
Lanham, MD 20706
301-459-3366 x.5010
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