Hello all

The last weeks here almost every one was talking about forking DSPAM. Well... 
Sensory Networks replied and now every thing is quite again.

But I want to take the opportunity to remind those one wanting to fork DSPAM 
that DSPAM is a community project and that we all work together to get DSPAM 

But if I look at http://dspam.nuclearelephant.com/features.shtml I see a list 
of feature requests and almost no one is posting patches to get those features 
or working on implementing them.

Where are all of those people willing to fork DSPAM? Where are the developers? 
Where is the progress from the community?

I took my time and have implemented #000032 and #000033. I am still testing it 
but it looks okay so far.

I as well took several days to fix the mysql_drv. Fixing that beast was not so 
hard but testing it is another issue. I have so far processed around 250'000 
mails without one single crash and without one singe dspam_clean run. And while 
processing all the 250'000 mails the DSPAM deamon plus all dspam client 
instances together never went over 15MB memory usage in total. And all of this 
with 16M max_allowed_packet in MySQL and 12MB on DSPAM MaxMessageSize and in 
client/server mode DSPAM with local domain sockets. With the old driver I was 
not able to do that. The old driver had in some areas 50% over allocation of 
really needed memory. And on my setup I had some time over 70MB memory usage 
inside DSPAM. And I had crashing DSPAM client and server: can not initialize 
agent context, permission denied for accessing socket, gone MySQL server, etc. 
This is now all gone. Fixed :)

I am still running my test and will wait until it is finished with the corpus. 
After that I will run another test with just 4M max_allowed_packet.

Okay. Why this long mail? Well... I would love to see other people on the list 
implement stuff. I am sure that others are developers or can develop. What is 
holding you back to do things? I miss the time when DSPAM was getting better 
and better with each release and where you did not had to wait almost 1 year to 
get a new DSPAM release.

So please all you out there using DSPAM and able to code: fire up your dev 
environment and start coding on DSPAM. Add new features. Fix old known bugs (if 
you don't know them, then ask here and I am sure you will get responses). 
Enhance DSPAM. Make it faster. Make it use less memory. Add new storage 
engines. Etc...

// SteveB
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